Tuesday, June 21, 2016

This blog is dedicated to friends and neighbors in the Back Bay who want to see our park be used to the fullest capacity and as a park is meant to be used.  A park is a dynamic place for everyone to enjoy; adults and children, dogs and owners, runners and sitters, readers and listeners, and the list goes on.  

Unfortunately, a few people feel otherwise and want to take down the fence to encourage less use of the park.  Let's not let the few take away this safe, enclosed park from the many. Let's not change it back to what it was - a dead-end section, often ignored by the city, and residents.  Finally this section of the Commonwealth Mall is regularly used and enjoyed by so many, rather than just a haven for homeless people to hang out during the day and sleep at night.

Lend your voice to Save the Fence at Our Back Bay Park! 

Write a comment below.


  1. I agree with the above. Dogs provide a sense of community not grass.

  2. Why in the world would they take down a fence to protect grass?? I agree with the above too. A park is for people and pets. It's to be used, not looked at. I hope they keep it as is!
